Editing and Proofreading

What types of documents do you edit and proofread?

I provide editing and proofreading services for various types of documents, including academic papers, essays, research articles, business reports, resumes/CVs and cover letters, as long as they’re in German.

What is included in your editing and proofreading service?

My editing and proofreading service encompasses a comprehensive review of your document. I focus on improving grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and overall readability. Additionally, I provide suggestions for clarity and coherence, ensuring your ideas flow smoothly and effectively.

Can you work with documents written by non-native speakers?

Absolutely! I’ll ensure your document reads fluently and accurately, conveying your intended message with precision. However, please note that if a text is extremely difficult to comprehend or falls significantly below a certain level of proficiency, it may be necessary for me to decline the request, as it would hinder the effectiveness of the editing and proofreading process.

What file formats do you accept for editing and proofreading?

Please be aware that I only accept Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx), because Microsoft Word provides the most effective platform for comprehensive editing, including track changes and the ability to accept or reject modifications. If you have your document in a different format, please reach out, and I’ll do my best to accommodate your needs.

How do you ensure the confidentiality of my documents?

I prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of my clients’ documents. I’ve got strict data protection measures in place, and all files you share with me are handled with the utmost care and stored securely. Your work will be treated with complete confidentiality, and I’ll never disclose any information to third parties.

Website Content Writing

What industries do you specialize in for web content writing?

I’ve got experience working with a wide range of industries, including but not limited to healthcare, travel, and education. I’ll adapt to the specific requirements and tone of your industry to deliver compelling and relevant content.

How do you ensure the content is engaging and tailored to my target audience?

In order to understand your target audience, I’ll conduct thorough research to identify their needs, preferences, and expectations. I’ll then use this knowledge to create content that captivates and resonates with your audience, helping you establish a strong online presence.

Can you help with keyword research and SEO optimization?

Yes, absolutely! By conducting comprehensive keyword analysis, I ensure your content includes relevant keywords that can improve your search engine rankings.

What is your process for gathering information for web content creation?

I’ll begin by gathering information about your business, target audience, and desired outcomes. I may ask your permission to review existing materials to gain a deeper understanding of your brand and industry. This allows me to create content that aligns with your goals and speaks directly to your audience.

Do you provide revisions or updates to the content if needed?

Yes, I offer revision services to ensure your satisfaction. If you require any revisions or updates to the delivered content, I’m happy to accommodate your requests. My goal is to deliver content that meets your expectations and helps you achieve your online marketing objectives.

Accordion title 1

This is a placeholder tab content. It is important to have the necessary information in the block, but at this stage, it is just a placeholder to help you visualise how the content is displayed. Feel free to edit this with your actual content.

Accordion title 2

This is a placeholder tab content. It is important to have the necessary information in the block, but at this stage, it is just a placeholder to help you visualise how the content is displayed. Feel free to edit this with your actual content.

Academic Writing Coaching

Who is this service intended for?

I offer academic writing coaching across various subjects and disciplines. Whether you are pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree, or doing your PhD., I assist you in refining your academic writing skills, regardless of your field of study.

How can academic writing coaching help improve my overall writing skills?

Academic writing coaching provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs. I help you improve various aspects of your writing, including structure, clarity, grammar, and critical analysis. Through our coaching sessions, you’ll gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance your overall writing proficiency.

Can you assist with specific writing challenges, such as research methodology or citation styles?

Absolutely! I assist you with a wide range of writing challenges. Whether you need help with refining your research methodology, understanding citation styles (APA, MLA, etc.), or improving your argumentation and logical coherence, we’ll address your specific needs.

How flexible are the coaching sessions in terms of scheduling?

To allow for enough flexibility, I offer various time slots to accommodate your availability. Simply let me know your preferred time frames, and I’ll do my best to find a mutually convenient schedule.

Do you provide ongoing support or resources beyond the coaching sessions?

Yes! I provide ongoing support beyond the coaching sessions. I offer helpful resources, writing guides, and materials tailored to your needs. Additionally, I’m available for follow-up questions and clarifications to ensure you continue to make progress in your academic writing journey.