Editing & Proofreading


Submit your text with confidence.

With a keen eye for detail, I meticulously review all kinds of texts, such as academic papers, books, CVs, job applications, journal articles, and flyers. I ensure impeccable grammar, precise language, and logical coherence while maintaining the integrity of your ideas and arguments.

Editing and Proofreading

Every order includes a thorough review and enhancement of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall language accuracy. I ensure your text is free from errors and easy to read.

Coherence and Structure

In addition to refining the language, I offer to carefully analyze the coherence, flow, and structure of your text. I provide you with feedback to enhance its clarity, organization, and logical progression.

Citing and

You can request additional citation verification to ensure adherence to referencing guidelines. This includes the most common citation styles, such as APA, Harvard, and Vancouver.



Rate per 1000 words

✅ Grammar

✅ Spelling

✅ Punctuation

✅ Sentence structure

❌ Style and tone

❌ Word choice

❌ Coherence and logical consistency

❌ Paragraph structure

❌ Structure of chapters and sections

✅ Personalized feedback

*Additional citing and referencing service possible



Rate per 1000 words

✅ Grammar

✅ Spelling

✅ Punctuation

✅ Sentence structure

✅ Style and tone

✅ Word choice

❌ Coherence and logical consistency

❌ Paragraph structure

❌ Structure of chapters and sections

✅ Personalized feedback

*Additional citing and referencing service possible



Rate per 1000 words

✅ Grammar

✅ Spelling

✅ Punctuation

✅ Sentence structure

✅ Style and tone

✅ Word choice

✅ Coherence and logical consistency

✅ Paragraph structure

✅ Structure of chapters and sections

✅ Personalized feedback

*Additional citing and referencing service possible

*In-text citations and your reference list will be checked for accuracy and consistency if you select the additional citation and referencing service. Please note that the additional fee depends on the number of sources and the expected time of work.

Please also note the following:

  • The rates refer to the running text. If you want the cover page, table of contents, figures or table lists, appendices, and/or reference list to be included, the word count will consequently increase.
  • The standard turnaround time is between 3 and 5 business days.
  • An additional fee applies if you wish a faster turnaround time (25–40% depending on the wound count and the deadline).
  • A minimum fee of £35, £45, or £55 applies (depending on the service you book) if your document is under 1000 words.
  • If you wish to withdraw your order, you’ll be charged for the work done up to the point of cancellation. Please always cancel by emailing me at info@flawlessgerman.com.
  • An advance payment of 50% applies for new customers.

I’m happy to provide you with a personalized quote based on your specific requirements. Simply email me at info@flawlessgerman.com or send a request.